Donnerstag, 14. April 2011 - Häkel Wörterbuch - Deutsch/ english - Dicionario de croche ( ingles/alemao) Crochet Dictionary - german-english

Ich habe gefunden diese wunderbar Site, ein Häkel Wörtebuch ( English - deutsch )
Hoffe das kann viele Häkelerin hilfen
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Das ist sehr sehr wunderbar !

E um site com dicionario de croche, mas so pro alemao e ingles....mesmo assim pode ajudar !

Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: crochet fashion

Übersetzung 1 - 50 von 279 >>

cloth. crochet fashionHäkelmode {f}
Teilweise Übereinstimmung
textil. to crochethäkeln
crochetHäkeln {n}
to crochet aroundumhäkeln
crochet (work)Häkelarbeit {f}
crochet (work)Häkelei {f}
cloth. crochet bikiniHäkel-Bikini {m}
cloth. crochet bikiniHäkelbikini {m}
cloth. crochet blouseHäkelbluse {f}
cloth. crochet braHäkel-BH {m}
cloth. crochet briefs {pl}Häkelslip {m}
cloth. crochet capHäkelmütze {f}
crochet curtainHäkelgardine {f}
crochet drape [Am.]Häkelgardine {f}
cloth. crochet dressHäkelkleid {n}
crochet fabricHäkelgalon {m}
cloth. crochet gloveHäkelhandschuh {m}
cloth. crochet glovesHäkelhandschuhe {pl}
crochet hookHäkelnadel {f}
cloth. crochet jacketHäkeljacke {f}
cloth. crochet jumper [Br.]Häkelpulli {m}
cloth. crochet jumper [Br.]Häkelpullover {m}
cloth. crochet lingerieHäkelunterwäsche {f} [für Damen]
crochet needleHäkelnadel {f}
cloth. crochet panties {pl}Häkelhöschen {n}
cloth. crochet pantsHäkelhose {f}
cloth. crochet pulloverHäkelpullover {m}
cloth. crochet skirtHäkelrock {m}
crochet stitchHäkelmasche {f}
cloth. crochet sweaterHäkelpulli {m}
cloth. crochet sweaterHäkelpullover {m}
crochet tableclothHäkeldecke {f} [Tischdecke]
crochet tableclothHäkeltischdecke {f}
crochet threadHäkelgarn {n}
cloth. crochet topHäkel-Top {n}
cloth. crochet topHäkeltop {n}
cloth. crochet trousers {pl}Häkelhose {f}
cloth. crochet vest [Am.]Häkelweste {f}
cloth. crochet waistcoat [Br.]Häkelweste {f}
textil. crochet yarnHäkelgarn {n}
double crochet ganzes Stäbchen {n} [Häkeln]
single crochet einfache feste Masche {f} [Häkeln]
crochet (galloon) machineHäkelgalomaschine {f}
half double crochet halbes Stäbchen {n} [Häkeln]
cloth. little crochet jacketHäkeljäckchen {n}
small crochet tableclothHäkeldeckchen {n} [Tischdeckchen]
small crochet tableclothHäkeltischdeckchen {n}
piece of crochet workHäkelarbeit {f}
art to fashionfertigen
to fashionformen
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